Unlike aspirin, Oral-Pro Sodium Salicylate by Aurora does not interfere in normal blood clotting and wound healing when used as an analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory in poultry and swine. Oral-Pro™ Sodium Salicylate 48.6% is and analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory oral solution for use in the drinking water of poultry and swine. Aids in reducing pain, fever and inflammation.
In addition, the solubility in water is very high, with 1 gram dissolving in slightly less than 1 mL.
Active Ingredient: Sodium Salicylate - 48.6%
Warning: Do not administer concentrated solution by dirct oral administration.
View Complete Product Sheet Here: https://heritageanimalhealth.com/cataloguploads/Sodium-Salicylate-48.pdf