Zimectrin Gold each : 7.35g



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Merial-  Combines 1.55% ivermectrin and 7.75% praziuantel. Provides the broadest spectrum of parasite control available for horses. Praziquantel is proven to have a wide margin of safety and to be highly effective for controlling tapeworms in horses. Zimectrin Gold may be used in horses 2 months of age and older. Testing has not been done in breeding mares or breeding stallions.

One tube will treat up to 1250 body weight

Consult your veterinarian for assistance in the diagnosis, treatment, and control of parasitism. ZIMECTERIN® GOLD (ivermectin/praziquantel) Paste provides effective treatment and control of the following parasites in horses. Tapeworms - Anoplocephala perfoliata, Large Strongyles (adults) - Strongylus vulgaris (also early forms in blood vessels), S. edentatus (also tissue stages), S. equinusTriodontophorus spp. including T. brevicauda and T. serratus and Craterostomum acuticaudatum; Small Strongyles (adults, including those resistant to some benzimidazole class compounds) - Coronocyclus spp. including C. coronatus, C. labiatus and C. labratus, Cyathostomum spp. including C. catinatum and C. pateratumCylicocyclus spp. including C. insigneC. leptostomumC. nassatus, and C. brevicapsulatusCylicodontophorus spp., Cylicostephanus spp., including C. calicatusC. goldi, C. longibursatus and C. minutus, and Petrovinema poculatum; Small Strongyles - Fourth-stage larvae; Pinworms (adults and fourth-stage larvae) - Oxyuris equi; Ascarids (adults and third- and fourth-stage larvae) - Parascaris equorum; Hairworms (adults) - Trichostrongylus axei; Large-mouth Stomach Worms (adults) - Habronema muscae; Bots (oral and gastric stages) - Gasterophilus spp. including G. intestinalis and G. nasalis; Lungworms (adults and fourth-stage larvae) - Dictyocaulus arnfieldi; Intestinal Threadworms (adults) - Strongyloides westeri; Summer Sores caused by Habronema and Draschia spp. cutaneous third-stage larvae; Dermatitis caused by neck threadworm microfilariae, Onchocerca sp.

DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION: The syringe contains sufficient paste to treat one 1250 lb horse at the recommended dose rate of 91 mcg ivermectin per lb (200 mcg/kg) body weight and 454 mcg praziquantel per lb (1 mg/kg) body weight. Each weight marking on the syringe plunger delivers enough paste to treat 250 lb body weight.



All horses should be included in a regular parasite control program with particular attention being paid to mares, foals and yearlings. Foals should be treated initially at 6 to 8 weeks of age, and routine treatment repeated as appropriate.

A good rotation to keep in mind: 

January/February                Pyrantel
March/April                        Benzimidazole
May/June                           Ivermectin
July/August                        Pyrantel
Sept/October                      Benzmidazole
November/December           Ivermectin