Provides a targeted way of dealing with Hairy Heal Warts. It should be used when a footbath is not practical. This can be in pre-fresh cows or heifers or due to cold weather. Using a powerful spray like this is inexpensive and highly effective. Only .16c/treatment
Should be sprayed directly on individual warts. A special polymer allows HealMax to adhere to skin. Each squirt is 1ml, apply 1ml-5ml per wart. Application rate is two times, either on the same day or on consecutive days.
A hairy wart is one of the most costly health problems in modern dairy cows. The wart continues to grow and causes severe pain to the animal. She becomes so sore that she will stop eating and drinking. Milk production drops. Also, in this condition the illness is highly infectious and spreads throughout the herd.
No milk or meat withdrawal!