The M-2-Blue Insemination Tube has become very popular. This is a 5 inch tube with luer-slip syringe adapter, but it is smaller in diameter than any of our other 5 inch tubes and has a unique stainless steel rounded tip with twin side ejection ports. These are individually wrapped and sterilized, packaged 5 to a pack. This 5 inch length is ideal for small/toy breeds.
These are insemination tubes designed especially for the canine market. Several varieties available , including tubes with drilled out tips to accommodate a standard luer-slip syringe or version with the popular flexible syringe adapter tip. Most popular are the versions that are individually wrapped and sterilized.Newer to the market are the 5 inch lengths, which have become popular with the toy breeds. The basic drilled tube and the tube with adapter have been the most popular models over the past several years. If you prefer a bit more flexibility in your canine tubes, try the Stip-Tip or M2Blue tubes. The Stip-Tip tube also has a unique 'bullet shaped' insertion tip and slightly smaller shaft diameter. The newest design is the M2Blue Insemination tube. It has a flexible blue shaft and a unique stainless steel insertion tip with dual side ejection ports. The M2Blue is also the thinnest diameter 10" or 5" tube we carry, which may be less intrusive for the animal. Having two side ports offers a wider dispersal of semen, as well. Packaged individually wrapped/sterile or nonsterile bulk packs.