The most efficient hand-operated milking product on the market today. The superior performance and reliability provides for the extraction of milk and colostrum for either immediate feeding or storage.
Please note: Unfortunately, because of Biosecurity reasons and appropriate veterinary policy, the manufacturer prevents us from permitting returns for any reason. No Exceptions! Please order carefully.
The UDDERLY EZ" Milker is provided with the patented hand operated pump, large and small extractor, large and small silicone inserts, nipple, and EZ Wipes to clean/sanitize.
Goat Kit includes: The Udderly EZ pump, 2 sizes of extraction cylinders, (#1 Small and #2 Large), 2 silicone inflation inserts (small and large), Bottle nipple, Udder wipes, 1 quart bottle,
1 pint bottle milk/colostrum collection bottles with caps. Operation Manual , Microfiber Dairy Towel.
The safest and most effective large domestic and exotic animal milk and colostrum collection device available. It can be used on horses of all sizes, ponies, donkeys, sheep, goats; including Nigerian goats, llamas, alpacas, zebras, camels and miniature cows.
Always clean off the bag and teats on all animals before using the Udderly EZ.
- Squeeze the teat and remove the wax plug.
- Manually strip each teat at least twice to get a good flow of milk started.
- Place the cylinder directly over the teat and gently lift the pump unit against the udder.
- Squeeze the handle at least 2-3 times; this will start the vacuum seal process, locking the unit onto the mother's udder. (You may want to hold bottle with free hand until sealed).
- As soon as the milk flow starts, stop pumping! When the flow slows or stops, start pumping again. You may need to repeat this sequence 3-4 times. When the flow stops, or you have collected an appropriate amount of liquid, stop and go to the next teat.
- To release the vacuum on the pump, push bottle backwards toward hand trigger to release vacuum lock. Do not pull pump off udder.
- The first milking will generally collect between 8-12 ounces, although this may vary with each animal species or breed.
- If the mother does not let her milk down immediately, you may have to massage her udder gently to get the flow started.
- Do not overfill the collection bottle; only fill to the indicated line on the bottle. Never tilt pump backwards. This will allow the milk or colostrum to run into the air intake hole and damage the diaphragm in the pump.
- If you have the Silicone Insert inside the Retractor you must either take it off or unscrew the bottle before pouring out milk or colostrum. IT WILL GET INTO THE PUMP!
- Pour the collected milk or colostrum into a feeding bottle and apply nipple or cap and freeze for your colostrum bank.
- Final step - feeding the animal "mother's first milk" .
Q: Why do I have to start with the smallest bottle that comes in each kit?
A: Please follow the directions carefully and this will help you learn the proper use of the UEZ and it will function much easier for you to start with. With any vacuum operated equipment the smaller the container the less vacuum it takes to operate it and the quicker you will experience the learning curve. Be sure and watch the DVD that is included in your kit before operating!
Q; Why is there a different Udderly EZ Milker for different animals?
A: The Udderly EZ Pump is the same pump for all animals; However, we have found that after almost five years on the market now, that because of the different teat sizes and bottle requirements for each of the different species, and listening to the breeders and owners involved with the milking of the different animals, we needed to pack each UEZ Milker Kit according to the requirements of each breed and specie and their needs as to bottle size.
Q: How many sizes do you have and what are the sizes of the bottles?
A: We have four (4) sizes at the moment, and they are packed for the Horses, Cows, Sheep/Exotics, and Goats. Quarts, Pints and the 8 oz colostrum collection bottles.
Q: My UEZ worked fine last spring and this year when I went to use it, it doesn’t seem to have the same suction or vacuum?
A: More than likely you inadvertently pulled colostrum or milk into the pump housing. Read page 2 on the instructional brochure that came with your milker or pull it up off the web site for instructions on cleaning out the pump.
Q: What parts do I need so if something breaks or wears out?
A: Most people order the pump repair kit, with their initial order, so if they will have the part on hand if something gets broken, or it is time to change a part due to extended use.
Q: I just bought this pump and it doesn’t have any suction, what am I doing wrong?
A: Please read your instruction sheet again and watch the DVD again. The extractor tube must fit tightly to the pump to work properly. The UEZ Pumps all go thru a complete vacuum test under USDA guidelines before leaving the factory.
Q: I have a smell coming out of the pump and it has lost suction.
A: See above Answer Read page 2. It has to be cleaned out!
Q: My Cows / Goat teat is too big for the insert that goes into the #1 or #2 plastic tube.
A; Depending on the size of the teat, start with the #1 hard plastic extraction tube and use it without the Cow / Goat insert and if that is too small try the #2, it will work fine without the insert and always moisten the teat and strip it out a couple of squirts before starting out with the UEZ.
Q; Can I milk my Cow, Goat, Sheep every day with the UEZ and not hurt them?
A: Yes, always follow the instructions. We have been in the world market place now for almost five years and over 12,000 units sold world wide. Please read all the stories and quotes from satisfied customers world wide.
Q: I have severe Arthritis, will I be able to work the handle?
A: Watch the video on all the different species and as soon as the milk starts to flow, Stop Pumping.---When it slows down, give it 2-4 more pumps to pick up the vacuum again. You need not continue to keep pumping or you will shut off the valve in the teat!
Q: I have noticed that there is always a little milk left in each teat, is that normal?
A: Yes, we have found that if you strip them out at the end of the milking cycle it helps to massage the teats and udder and keeps the udder in good shape.
Q: How long does it take to fill a quart bottle?
A: It will vary according to specie and animal, anywhere from 3 to 7 minutes. Once the animal has learned to let their milk down and you have become familiar with the pump it will be quicker.
Q; Can I get a bigger container than a Quart?
A; No!, for several reasons the first is the obvious because of the vacuum and the smaller the bottle the more vacuum you create. The second is if you had to hold it, it would be too heavy.
Q: I want to return my milker, I have only used once and have cleaned it up real good, where do I send it back to?
A: Unfortunately, because of the bio-security concerns it is non-returnable once it has been used on an animal., but all of the parts and pump will be replaced as long as they fall under the warranted period from the date of purchase. {see return policy on back of instructional brochure and on the web site.}
Q: We milk Nigerians and Mini’s and the bottles will not sit straight up under their udders, will it still work?
A: You do not have to have the bottle straight up and down.(see picture on the goat pages.) Because it is a vacuum unit will work at an angle, you just have to make sure you do not break the vacuum seal.
Q: Do I need to massage my doe’s udder before I start milking with the UEZ?
A: It does help in most cases to massage their udder as it helps them to start letting the milk down and it doesn’t take that much time either.