Treats up to 1,000,000 cubic feet. Kills flies, mosquitoes, wasps, gnats, roaches, ants, crickets, spiders, and silverfish. For use in all livestock buildings, in egg and milk handling areas, restaurants, food plants, hotels, etc. See 'More Details' for restricted states. Aerosols must ship UPS Ground.
Not for sale in:
AK, CT, DC, HI, MA, and PR
Dimethyl ether-based aerosol spray contains .5% pyrethrins plus 4.0% piperonyl butoxide for greater knockdown and effectiveness.
Active Ingredients:
Pyrethrins |
0.5% |
Piperonyl Butoxide, Technical* |
4.0% |
95.5% |
100.0% |
Directions for Use:
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
DAIRY FARM USE: Milking parlor and milk room. Close all windows and doors. Direct fog upward and in all directions at a rate of 1 to 3 seconds per 1,000 cubic feet. Keep room closed for 15 minutes after treatment. Open and ventilate before reoccupying. Cover milking utensils and milk to prevent contamination from spray and dead falling insects.
ANIMAL USE: (Do not spray sick animals) From approximately 2 foot distance, thoroughly spray entire animal as it is being released to pasture. Do not spray directly toward animal’s eyes. Spot treat withers, shoulders and back where saliva accumulates from head tossing.
STANCHION BARN USE: Walk behind animals and direct spray over backs allowing 1 second per animal. For most effective results, apply each morning.
BEEF CATTLE OPERATIONS: In barns, close all windows and doors. Spray at the rate of 1 to 2 seconds per 1,000 cubic feet.
Keep area closed for 15 minutes following application. Ventilate area after treatment is complete. If area cannot be closed, double the dosage. Repeat application daily or as necessary.
HORSE BARNS AND STABLES: Close all windows and doors. Spray at the rate of 1 to 2 seconds per 1,000 cubic feet. Keep area closed for 15 minutes following application. Ventilate area after treatment is complete. If area cannot be closed, double the dosage. For animal application, lightly mist over backs of horses and ponies from a distance of at least 2 feet. Repeat application daily or as necessary.
POULTRY OPERATIONS: Use only in empty poultry houses (when birds are not present). Close all windows and doors. Spray at the rate of 1 to 2 seconds per 1,000 cubic feet. Keep area closed for 15 minutes following application. Ventilate area after treatment is complete. If area cannot be closed, double the dosage. Treat daily or as necessary.
HOG OPERATIONS: In hog houses, close all windows and doors. Spray at the rate of 1 to 2 seconds per 1,000 cubic feet. Keep area closed for 15 minutes following application. Ventilate area after treatment is complete. If area cannot be closed, double the dosage. For animal application, direct spray over backs and spray for 1 to 2 seconds per hog. Do not spray directly towards animal’s face or eyes. Repeat application daily or as necessary.
MUD DAUBER AND WASP NESTS: Spray mist directly on insects and their nests from approximately 2 ft. distance. Contacted insects will fly away from fog. Applications should be made in late evening when insects are at rest. Spray into hiding and breeding places contacting as many insects as possible.
FLEAS: General Volumetric Treatment: Hold aerosol 36” above floor and direct spray toward floor and lover walls at a rate of 10 seconds per 100 sq. ft. making sure that all floor areas are contacted. Change litter before application. Keep area closed for 15 minutes. Remove animals before spraying. Open and ventilate before re-occupying. Repeat treatment after 7 days or as necessary.
KENNELS AND CATTERIES: Remove animals before spraying. Ventilate after treatment is completed.
Read all cautions and directions on product label and insert