Hot Heels Crossfire Supreme Roping Dummy



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Hot Heels Crossfire Supreme Roping Dummy HHS2015

The Hot Heels Crossfire Supreme Roping Dummy (HHS2015) is the most realistic roping dummy on the market. It has newly designed legs that have a ground driven motion most like a real steer. The head has realistic movement and release horns. Comes with a two-speed pulley. You can pull it at regular speed or change the belt and tow it slower while the legs kick faster. The additional hip joint creates a motion that leaves clear hoof prints in the dirt like a real steer. The new sculpted legs are two pieces with knurled surface for a realistic feel in your delivery being 4 inches wider than the original black legs. The Supreme has the same "Jen-Stick" as the regular Crossfire, that kicks your rope out when you are out of time.  Shipping charges are included in the price.

*Please allow 3 weeks for shipping*

Hot Heels Supreme Video