Oxine AH gal : Gallon



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  • Tested and proven effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria, fungi & viruses.
  • May be used at low concentrations due to its ultra high activity level.
  • May be used on floors, walls and ceilings of confinement facilities.
  • Can also be used on handling and restraining equipment, forks, shovels and scrapers.
  • Can be used for fogging or spraying.

Tested and proven effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria, fungi & viruses including E. Coli, Salmonella, Avian Influenza, Canine Parvovirus, Rhino virus and many more. May be used at low concentrations due to its ultra high activity level. May be used on floors, walls and ceilings of confinement facilities such as barns, pens and kennels. Can also be used on handling and restraining equipment, forks, shovels and scrapers used for litter and manure removal. Can be used for fogging or spraying. Citric Acid, an activator, must be added before dilution.

Surface Disinfection
The most obvious application is that of a surface disinfectant following a thorough cleaning. This is where the ultra high power of chlorine dioxide chemistry comes into play. The broad spectrum, high speed-of-kill antimicrobial activity cannot be beaten. Oxine does its job quickly and completely then breaks down readily into inert materials. Oxine has been shown to be virucidal, fungicidal, bactericidal and even high sporicidal activity. Many of the commonly used disinfectants such as quats and phenols have little if any sporicidal activity.






Humidifiers and Water Coolers




Cooling waters are usually open to the atmosphere and readily undergo contamination. There are considerable economic, estetic and health reasons for keeping these waters in a sanitary condition. With little attention to these reservoirs significant levels of microorganisms can develop. Slime and odor causing microorganisms can not just survive, but can flourish in these waters. These microoganisms can develop a resistance to even significant levels of chlorination and form protective biofilm layers within the system. In an International Food Technology summary report from over two years biofilm research the active ingredient of Oxine, chlorine dioxide, was listed as one of the most effective compounds for the destruction of biofilms. Our experience conforms competely with their findings. Oxine is highly effective in removing biofilms and microorganisms from these systems.




Water Storage Systems




Many facilities are located such that water supply is based on underground well and/or surface waters. These waters often contain various forms of microoganisms that are known to cause problems in livestock and humans. Treating the stored water prior to use can help eliminate biofilms and inhibit microbial growths. It is important to start with water free from microoganisms or else there is a continual source of new bacteria, protozoa and other problem causing organisms arriving into what was once a disinfected area.




Odor Control




One of the most interesting characteristics about Oxine is the abilty to reduce odors. This is primarily due to the chemical action of chlorine dioxide with sulfur and nitrogen atoms. Bad smelling odors, called malodors, are typically associated with a molecule that contains a sulfur or nitogen atom. A vivid example of this fact is in the smell associated with skunks. This compound has a sulfur and hydrogen atom (SH) which allows it to fit into certain olfactory receptors in the nose. When this happens the odor of a skunk is experienced. Oxine chemically reacts with these types of molecules by oxidizing the sulfur atom and therefore changing the molecular structure. The molecule no longer stimulates the same olfactory receptors in the way it once did and hence the odor is eliminated. Many malodors associated with agricultural production areas are associated with molecules easily oxidized and thus eliminated by Oxine.




Confinment Facilities




Animal confinement plays an important role in many types of animal production. Many facilities practice all-in and all-out rotations which allow time for proper cleaning and sanitizing. But when this is not possible, Oxine can be used to help control airborne bacteria and help inhibit microbial activity. This is an important step in order to break the disease cycle. Many bacteria and fungi are spore forming and becoming resistant to even industrial grade solutions of other disinfectants. Oxine has proven sporicidal activity which is a key criteria  in high level biosecurity. With applications of Oxine for water, air and surfaces there are very few paths remaining for microbial infections to occur.




Feed Troughs and Storage Bins




Effective cleaning and sanitizing of feed bins and containers is highly encouraged. The reason for this is because of the fungal growths commonly associated with these areas. Some strains of the fungus Aspergillus flavus produce aflatoxin which is known to be carcinogenic. Allowing livestock to consume a carcinogen can have dramatic consequences. Feeds are usually manufactured and sold with a quality of being free from these toxins, but improper management of feed storage areas allows for the development of fungal growths that can spread from one supply to the next. Over time these growths can being to produce byproducts that are detrimental to proper weight gains. Oxine can be used to help break the cycle of fungal growths associated with feed areas.









Technical Specs:


* EPA registration as a disinfectant for animal confinement facilities such as poultry house, swine pens, calf barns and  kennels.


* EPA registration as a bacteriostat in animal confinement facilities where "all-in, all-out" cannot be practiced.




Application Information




* Oxine (AH) may be used on floors, walls and ceilings as well as handling and restraining equipment, forks, shovels and scrapers used for removing litter and manure.




* Fogging or spraying equipment may be conveniently located in confinement facilities and used to apply Oxine (AH) for control and elimination of airborne microbial contaminants.




* When using active Oxine (AH) solutions, the facility should be depopulated.




Oxine (AH) may also be used as a bacteriostat (non-activated) for control of surface and airborne microbial contamination. While the use of more product may be neccessary, depopulation is not required in this method of application.