Surrender Fire Ant Killer by Control Solutions is a dust containing the active ingredient Acephate. It comes in a ready to use shaker bottle .This product is specifically designed for the elimination of Fire Ants. It kills the queen and colony. Surrender Fire Ant Killer can treat over 100 fire ant mounds! It controls mounds all season long. Use on lawns, recreational areas, golf courses, and other non-crop/non-grazed areas. It is effective against imported fire ants, bigheaded ants, pavement ants and turfgrass ants. This product can be used as a dust or even mixed with water and used as a liquid insecticide for drenching deep down beneath fire ant mounds. Ingredients: 0.045% Indoxacarb, 0.01% Novaluron, 0.01% Pyriproxyfen