Calcium Propionate is most commonly used
as a salt that preserves food by
stopping micoorganisms, such as bacteria and molds, to reproduce. Calcium Propionate
also is used to prevent mold growth in various animal
feed & agricultural applications (such as corn and grain). The use of
Calcium Propionate as mold inhibitor gives direct savings by maintaining the
nutritive value and elongating the period the feed products can be used.
Calcium Propionate also prevents the formation of mycotoxins (poisons produced
by fungi) which could otherwise cause mycosis or mycotoxicosis infections in
the digestive tract or respiratory system of broilers, turkey or laying flocks. The dosage in which Calcium Propionate is used in
feed applications depends on the water content/activity of the product, the
initial bacterial/mold contamination, the storage temperature, the method of
storage (anaerobic or aerobic) and the desired storage period. Typical dosages
range from 1 to 3 kg/ton or 2 to 6 pounds/ton.
Treatment with calcium
propionate also prevents heating of high moisture feed ingredients or mixed
feed, especially where seasonal weather factors aggravate moisture conditions.
Calcium Propionate is also a
source of energy and calcium for dairy transition cows. It has been shown that
Calcium Propionate is a useful aid to prevent milk fever in cows.
Ingredients: Acid
Propionic, Calcium Oxide, Activated Charcoal, Filter Aids