MannaPro Chick Grit : 5lb



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A small-sized grit for young and bantam-sized birds that helps with proper digestion. Easier to feed. Ingredient: Insoluble crushed granite.

Feeding Instructions:

Feed to young birds beginning at two weeks of age. Monitor intake of Chick Grit for the first few days. If consumption is excessive and causes a reduction in feed intake, limit access to Chick Grit. Chick Grit is also suitable for adult poultry and fowl.

WARNING: Do not offer any feed that is spoiled, moldy, rodent- or insect-infested, or abnormal in appearance or odor, as it may cause illness or death.

WARNING: Do not offer any feed that is spoiled, moldy, rodent- or insect-infested, or abnormal in appearance or odor, as it may cause illness or death.