Cylence Pour-On Insecticide : 6pt



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Cylence Pour On from Bayer Animal Health is a ready to use solution used on beef and dairy cattle of any age for control of biting and sucking lice as well as face and horn flies. Can be used any time of the year. 1 pint treats 40 cows for flies or 20 cows for lice. Applicator not included, sold separately.

Longest residual control of flies of any pour-on insecticide. Field trial studies prove efficacious horn fly control up to 4 weeks. Active ingredient, cylluthrin, is 4 to 6 times more active than older pyrethroid compounds. Can be applied less often than other pour-on insecticides for control of flies. Provides horn fly control at a lower volume dose than any other pour-on. No withdrawal.

➤ When biting flies are evident, pour on 12 mL for cattle greater than 800 lb; 8 mL for cattle
400–800 lb; 4 mL for calves under 400 lb.
➤ For lice control, pour on 24 mL for cattle greater than 800 lb; 16 mL for cattle 400–800 lb;
8 mL for calves under 400 lb.

Active Ingredient:
➤ cyfluthrin 1%
    Horn flies   Face flies   Biting lice   Sucking lice
On beef cattle X X X X
On dairy cattle (including lactating) X X X X