Minnesota Easy Culture’s Clinical Mastitis Tri-Plate is a three-part culture plate—ideal for on-farm or veterinary clinic mastitis detection. This tri-plate is composed of 3 different types of media: Factor, MacConkey, and Focus. Helps determine gram-positive and gram-negative growth, while independently testing for gram-positive strep and strep-like growth. Refrigerate culture plates until use. Make sure to use proper sampling techniques to ensure accurate culture growth. Use a sterile cotton swab for each sample. Dip cotton swab into milk sample and allow it to soak a few moments. Without touching the tip of the swab with your fingers or any other surface, swab each section of the tri-plate in the following order for best results: Focus media and MacConkey media and Factor media.Place the plate in the incubator with the media side up (lid down) for up to 48 hours with the first reading after 18 to 24 hours. Use the interpretation guide to determine results.