Rumen Restart is a nutritional supplement designed to restore the electrolyte balance and increase appetite in cattle and calves. The ingredients in Rumen Restart will supply quick energy and help to re-establish normal rumen activity.
Directions for Use:
Mix Rumen Restart™ and water in the proportions shown below, then drench the cattle in the amounts indicated.*
Calves up to 150 lbs:
1/4 lb Rumen Restart™ and 1 quart water
150-250 lbs:
1/2 lb Rumen Restart™
1/2 - 1 gallon water
250-500 lbs:
3/4 lb Rumen Restart™
1 gallon water
500-600 lbs:
1 lb Rumen Restart™
2 gallon water
600 lbs and up:
1 - 2 lb Rumen Restart™
2 - 4 gallon water
*In some heavily stressed animals, it is suggested the above dose be doubled
and given twice daily ( 1/2 morning;
1/2 evening).
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