The most concentrated and economical lice & fly control pour-on on the market today, Brute controls biting and sucking lice, horn flies and other pests. Its low-volume application rate reduces waste and animal stress.
One 16 oz. bottle can treat up to 32 animals (1000 lb. or larger). Brute® can be used on lactating and non-lactating dairy cattle and beef cattle with no withdrawal time required.
Can be used year round without the worries of reaction that sometimes occurs with cattle grub treatment. Brute® provides horn fly control for up to 6 weeks after application.
BRUTE® Pour- on for cattle is effective against biting and sucking lice, Gulf Coast ear ticks and controls susceptible horn flies up to 6 weeks. Horn fly residual protection will vary depending on the level of resistance within a particular area. Aids in control of a variety of other insect pests of cattle and horses.