Maxiguard ZN7 Derm Natural Skin Care Formula : 2oz



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Maxi/Guard Zn7 Derm is a neutralized zinc based skin care topical. This counter-irritant provides soothing relief from itching and drying of raw skin conditions. Companion animal uses include: Hot spots, Feline chin acne, Moist incisions, Foot pads, Nasal fold dermatitis, and Bumblefoot. Also used for equine and exotics (See More Details).

Equine uses include: Wounds, Sunburn, Lacerations and abrasions, Post surgery cases, Saddle and bridle sores, and many other difficult conditions.

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Exotic uses include: Bubblefoot, Skin lesions, Feather picking, Lamp burns, and Zinc concentration safe for all exotics.

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Today, a variety of zinc salts (zinc acetate, etc.) are used to manufacture calamine lotion. The zinc in calamine lotion offers modest bioavailability. The zinc in Zn7 Derm, complexed with L-lysine and taurine, is not only stabilized at a neutral pH (the zone of intracellular 6.8 – 7.2pH), but is carried across cell membranes at much higher levels to deliver greater anti-pruritic benefits deep within the skin.

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