Pneumabort K + 1B : 10ds

ZOETIS SKU: 105506


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Pneumabort EHV-1 vaccine is a killed virus to aid in the prevention of respiratory diseases caused by the EHV 1p and EHV 1b viruses, as well as for use in pregnant mares as an aid in the prevention of abortion caused by rhinopneumonitis due to EHV 1 infections. The equine vaccine contains two strains of EHV-1, increasing antibody production by as much as 400%. Give three doses intramuscularly during pregnancy (5th, 7th, and 9th months). For respiratory protection, revaccinate with a single 2 ml dose six months after the second primary dose and annually thereafter. To ensure proper placement and retention of the vaccine, inject deep into the heavy muscles of the hindquarter.

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