Gen III ORS Electrolyte : 10lb

NRV SKU: 103158


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Gen III ORS Electrolytes 10lbs

GEN III ORS is an oral rehydration solution for dehydrated/scoured calves

Young calves can not digest most starches or dextrose polymers, so the challenge was to find a polymer with a chain length long enough to reduce osmotic pressure and one that calves could digest.

Re-Hydration is a two-step process: 1) balance osmotic pressure; 2) absorb water. Most electrolytes actually “pull” water from the blood into the intestine because most electrolytes have a very high osmotic pressure. In severely dehydrated calves, this is often fatal because water moves from the blood into the intestine to balance osmotic pressure before absorption can occur.

Gen-III ORS is made with a unique, low-osmotic pressure formula that actually “pushes” water from the intestine into the blood within seconds! Once osmotic pressure is balanced, absorption continues to deliver vital fluids and electrolyte nutrients to the calf. Gen-III ORS has multiple sources of metabolize bases without sodium bicarbonate – which means you can continue to feed milk or milk replacer without concern of interference. Calves drink it fast!

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