Claw Check -Hoof Measurement



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A handy hoof measuring device evaluates the correct angle and proportion for proper hoof shaping.

The gauge with 5 functions for the correct claw cut

Watch a Video here on how to use the Claw Check:

The Claw-Check is a claw measuring device, developed for Demotec by Dr. Kümper. lt is an aid to veterinarians, bovine podiatrists (claw-trimmers) and farmers as it gives easy practical guidance on achieving the correct form and function of the bovine hoof.

With modern housing systems it is very important that regular inspection of hooves be undertaken, so that any abnormality can be identified before the onset of clinical signs. Such inspections should be undertaken at least twice a year, but ideally on three or four occasions.

When trimming and paring claws for maximum function, consideration must be given to both its orthopaedic anatomy and biomechanical function - such may be termed, "functional claw trimming" and is not normally associated with aggressive cutting of the horn.

The principal purpose is to ensure that weight is evenly distributed on both the inside and outside claw, and to ensure that specially endangered areas are relieved from pressure.

Functional claw corrections can often be limited to producing a slope at die caudal axial third of the sole, and by reducing the overgrown outside claw of the hind limb.

The use of the Demotec Claw-Check greatly simplifies the work of those undertaking hoofcare. lt is intended to provide standard values associated with normally grown claws, and should not be rigidly applied in die case of overgrown or abnormal hooves.

The Claw-Check can be used on bovine hooves to test the following functional parameters:

1. Control of the angle between the sole and anterior claw wall. The angle of the Claw-Check is set at 50° allowing easy recognition of the acceptable variation of 45 - 50°.

  • 2. Examination of the length of the anterior claw wall. The distance from the coronary band to the tip of the claw in the average sized Holstein-Friesian cow measures approximately 82mm. Using the straight edge of the Claw-Check the anterior wall can be shortened to a length of 75mm by a vertical cut at the toe to the sole surface.

3. Height comparisons between inside and outside claws. The Claw-Check should be placed under the solar surface of the hoof. Unequal claw length can then be readily appreciated, so that an adjustment can be made to allow even distribution of the weight over both claws.

4. Ensuring the correct plane of contact of the sole to the ground. The use of angle-grinders pushed against the interdigital space frequently results in a roof shaped claw profile giving rise to injuries in the axial sole area. With the help of the Claw-Check it is possible to test whether the entire surface of the anterior third of the sole makes equal contact with the ground.

5.Controlling the slope of the sole. When the Claw-Check is placed onto the sole surface of both claws with its opening pointing to the heels, the V-shaped opening identifies the caudal axial third of the sole where there should be a 5 mm gap between this area and the ground.