CredoTM SC controls darkling beetles that can destroy facility insulation and structural wood, consume poultry feed, and may carry disease organisms and parasites.
CredoTM SC
- Controls both adult and larval darkling beetles
- Contains a class of chemistry to which darkling beetles have no resistance
- 42.8% imidacloprid suspension concentrate
- Specifically formulated for the poultry industry
- Effective single-rate application
- Easy to mix; easy to apply
- Labeled for banded and broadcast application
- One 30 oz bottle treats a 20,000 sq ft poultry house by using band application
Manage Resistance Development
These steps can help manage darkling beetle resistance development:
- Use insecticides at the proper rate
- Read and follow all label instructions
- Rotate Credo SC with Tempo® insecticides every 3-5 flocks