Ivermectin 1.87% Equine Paste

VETONE SKU: 103861


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Ivermectin products are not safe or approved for human use, which could cause severe personal injury or death. Provides effective control of large strongyles, small strongyles, pinworms, ascarids, hairworms, large-mouth stomach worms, bots, lungworms, intestinal threadworms, summer sores and dermatitis. Brands may vary. 

This syringe contains sufficient paste to treat one 1250 lb horse at the recommended dose rate of 91 mcg ivermectin per lb (200 mcg/kg) body weight. Each weight marking on the syringe plunger delivers enough paste to treat 250 lb body weight. (1) While holding plunger, turn the knurled ring on the plunger to the right so the side nearest the barrel is at the prescribed weight marking. (2) Make sure that the horse's mouth contains no feed. (3) Remove the cover from the tip of the syringe. (4) Insert the syringe tip into the horse's mouth at the space between the teeth (5) Depress the plunger as far as it will go, depositing paste on the back of the tongue (6) Immediately raise the horse's head for a few seconds after dosing.

All horses should be included in a regular parasite control program with particular attention being paid to mares, foals and yearlings. Foals should be treated initially at 6 to 8 weeks of age, and routine treatment repeated as appropriate.

A good rotation to keep in mind:


January/February                Pyrantel
March/April                        Benzimidazole
May/June                           Ivermectin
July/August                        Pyrantel
Sept/October                      Benzmidazole
November/December           Ivermectin


Consult your veterinarian for a control program to meet your specific needs. Ivermectin Paste 1.87% effectively controls gastrointestinal nematodes and bots of horses. Regular treatment will reduce the chances of verminous arteritis caused by S vulgaris.

Do not use in horses intended for food purposes.