Vetone Safety Collar 12" 30cm Depth (19" - 25")



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Clearcollar Elizabethan Restraint Collars for cats and dogs. These collars have two major features not found in similar products currently available to veterinarians. The transparency feature is a substantial advantage for the patient in that it allows peripheral vision. Owners also seem to prefer transparent rather than opaque collars because they are far less conspicuous and appear to be more "humane". The second major feature is a set of small plastic clips designed to make it quick and easy to apply and remove the collar repeatedly. The collar also has three sets of loops for a more secure attachment either by weaving gauze or heavy cord through the loops and tying the ends in a bow, or by tying the loops to the pet's collar. Clearcollar restraint collars are available in six sizes, and each collar has five sets of adjustment holes to permit proper fitting of most patients.