Neonorm is an enteric-coated bolus given to pre-weaned dairy
calves to promote normal stool formation. Helps reduce the severity of scours
and speeds up recovery time. When viruses and bacteria stimulate a reaction in
the gut-lining cells, they cause a salt imbalance, driving excess water into
the intestines, resulting in diarrhea. Neonorm Calf works by inhibiting water
loss from the animal’s circulatory system through the epithelial cells in the
intestine lining, thus supporting and promoting the normal health of the gut;
normalizing water flow from the gut-lining cells. Use along with electrolytes
for supportive care.
Enteric-coated bolus helps proactively retain fluid in calves –
helping avoid debilitating, dangerous levels of dehydration. Dehydration from
scours, diarrhea or other digestive problems poses a significant threat to the
health and future productivity of newborn calves, and significantly increases
expenses and labor required to care for them. Current products cannot help
calves retain fluids quickly enough to avoid severe dehydration &ndash the
ultimate goal in managing scours. Calves that avoid severe dehydration before
it occurs are better equipped to fight off the infection that led to scours.
Operates at cellular level to inhibit flow of fluids into intestines, where
vital fluids leave body during scours. Not an electrolyte or nutritional
supplement. Each bolus contains proprietary standardized botanical extract of
sustainably harvested Croton lechleri.
Directions: Give orally to
pre-weaned calves once every 12 hours, as needed, for up to 3 days. Compatible
with electrolytes and other standards of care. Small bolus formulation allows
for easy delivery by hand or balling gun.