Intervet - For use in treatment and control of Roundworms, Hookworms, Whipwoms, and Tapeworms. Is safe for puppies 6 weeks or older and all adult dogs, including pregnant bitches. Do Not deworm a puppy or dog that is sick. The daily dose of Safe-Guard Canine is 50mg/kg ( 22.7mg/lb. ) of body weight. Please refer to the dosage chart included with the product and follow label directions.
Must be treated with the following dose 3 days in a row.
30#= 1gram + 2grams
50#=1gram + 4grams
60#=2grams + 4grams
70#=4grams + 2grams + 1gram
80#=4grams + 4grams
over 80#=use combinations to obtain the daily recommended dose