Semen Extender Canine 3-step Kit



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The Canine EXT line of extenders has been formulated specifically for canine repro work. The 3 Step Canine EXT Cyropreservation Extender is designed for freezing and thawing of longer-term frozen semen.  The 3Step freezing extender stages include an initial extender, one to be used during the freezing stage, and one to be used in the thawing process.

These extenders will require additonal ancillary components(egg yolk, glycerol,Equex-STM).  Equex-STM aids in the preservation of semen.  It is a viscous concentrated liquid that is added to certain semen extenders.  Glycerol is used as an additive in freezing extenders as a cryoprotectant-it helps to preserve membrane integrity of the sperm.

Includes complete instructions.