Transition Calcium Boluses : 6ct

MAI SKU: 112442


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Contains both immediate and sustained release calcium to help combat milk fever and other common metabolic complications before they start. This means cows receive supplemental calcium when they need it the most. Includes three proven sources of calcium; Calcium chloride, Calcium propionate, Calcium carbonate.

Vitamin D3 is also introduced to help the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus.

TRANSITION Calcium Boluses are easy to administer, safe for the animal and help prepare cows to enter the milking herd in a normal time frame.

TRANSITION™ Calcium Boluses are available in two sizes:


  • 88 gram (22 g Ca) – ideal for Jersey cows
  • 176 gram (44 g Ca)

TRANSITION™ Calcium Boluses are to be administered immediately after calving, and again 12 hours after calving. Different doses are required depending on the size of bolus used.


  88 g Bolus 176 g Bolus
Immediately after calving 2 boluses 1 bolus
12 hours after first administration 2 boluses 1 bolus


All TRANSITION™ Calcium Boluses are packed in individual inserts. Please use product immediately after insert removal.

  1. Insert flat end of the bolus snugly into an appropriate bolus gun (V-Grip™ Bolus Gun from Genesis Instruments recommended)
  2. Point rounded end toward the cow
  3. Insert bolus gun into the back of cow’s mouth and deposit the bolus, allowing the animal to swallow
  4. After administration, allow water access

Do not administer with excessive force, nor administer to cows that are lying down, aggressive cows or cows without a normal swallowing reflex.