Used for watching the weight increase in cattle and pigs. The tape coils up automatically with the push of a button. Measures up to 250 centimeters.
The 250cm long, tear-proof belt comprises on one side, a scale in CM and on the other side, two different tables:
*Pigs girth and corresponding slaughtering weight
*Live weight of fat, stock and normal stock cattle
Normal stock means cattle with normal build, kept in barns and on pasture, “Fat Stock” is cattle specially fattened for the production of meat. If the animals are under stress before measuring, due to long transportation or walking, then the stated weights are to reduced by 5%.
How is measuring carried out:
Measure the girth of the chest immediately behind the elbows. The weight can be read off straight away by turning the belt around.
The measuring belt is automatically rolled in by pressing upon the release button located on the side. Take care that the extended belt, does not speed back upon pressing of the release button but insteads retracts in a controlled manner.