Prestige Prodigy from Merck Animal Health is a killed equine rhinopneumonitis vaccination for healthy horses 6 months of age or older to aid in the prevention of abortions, foal death, respiratory disease, or paralysis due to EHV-1. 99% reaction free. Give 2ml IM at 5th, 7th, and 9th month of gestation.
For pregnant mares administer a 2 mL dose intramuscularly in the 5th, 7th and 9th months of pregnancy. Three doses are essential for primary immunization. Maiden and barren mares housed or pastured with pregnant mares should be vaccinated on the same schedule. For primary vaccination against respiratory disease administer three 2 mL doses intramuscularly at 4 to 6 week intervals. Historically, annual revaccination with this product has been recommended. The need for this booster has not been established. For advice on revaccination frequency, consult your veterinarian.